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Response to 'Is the Internet Dead?'

Steyrl describes an interesting perspective of the way the internet is recognized. She explains how the general society recognizes internet as constantly innovating and expanding; however, also makes note that this may not necessarily be the case. This reading was unique because it broadens my ideas of what is viewed as the cultural norm of the internet. I was fascinated by how she questioned the normal viewpoint of the internet and took time to reflect on the media platform.  I soon recognized that as things change, some things stay the same.

Response - Is the internet dead?

On Steyerls article, she discuss about how the Internet, digital technologies, and image are transforming life, work and politics. Once concept that Hiro discuss in the article is about  the term of “Circulationism” as a way to understand the contemporary potential of art and the images. It’s not about the art of making an image, but of post-producing, launching and accelerating it. It is about public relations of images in social networks, about advertisement and alienation, conformism and quantified spread and velocity. In her opinion we have long since entered into a new paradigm — a space of no return—a free-flowing system of ‘circulation’ that circumscribes and influences everything from government to love. She delves into these new conditions of circulationism and attempts to understand and reflect on its potential and impasses. Crucially, she remarks that circulationism, if reinvented, could also be about short-circuiting existing networks,

Response to "Is the Internet Dead?"

    The article brought up interesting observations about the philosophy of the internet. It made me think of how commercialized our world has become and, while it was a small part of it, also made me ponder how little oversight there is over the world's oligopolies. The idea having more open source in the physical world would be beneficial in my eyes, but I realise how ambitious that prospect seems. I'm personally happy with the state art is in today. More and more people are able to express themselve and make a living with their passion.

"Is The Internet Dead?" Response

This short piece brings up an interesting point about the Internet -- as well as technology in general -- and how it affects not only media, but also our everyday lives thanks to its commonality. The writing style of Hito Steryl is incredibly surreal but is bonded by one central theme, and that is the common sights one would see on the Internet. Information is bombarded on the reader much in the same way that the Internet bombards our own eyes with information every single day. The confusion brought forth by just how many Internet-related topics are interspersed within the text just serves to help the consider just how alien these concepts really are to an outsider.
Check this video out, it's a good example of how a movie with horrible pacing that makes no sense can be turned into one of the most beloved trilogies of all time.